Manual erotic stimulation of the genitals or other erotic regions, often to orgasm, either by oneself or a partner.
From Middle French masturbation, from Latin verb masturbor, conjectured to have originated from a contraction of manus (“hand”) and turbō (“disturb, throw into confusion”).
• ham shank (vulgar, slang), hand shandy (vulgar, slang), Hand Solo , jerking off, onanism
• pocket pool, self-abuse, self-defilement, self-love, self-pleasure, self-pollution, tossing off , wank
Hyponyms– autofellatio, hand job
After Onan’s brother Er died, his father Judah told him to fulfill his duty to his brother by entering into a levirate marriage with his brother’s widow Tamar to give her offspring. When Onan had sex with Tamar, he withdrew before his orgasm and “spilled his seed [or semen] on the ground”, since any child born would not legally be considered his heir. The next statement in the Bible says that Onan did evil and that God slew him.
Religion and masturbation-
• Today, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Christians consider masturbation to be a sin but others not.
• According to Talmud it is sin, but according to Leviticus it is not sin.
• According to Islam it is a sin although nothing is said in Quran about masturbation
• Hinduism and Buddhism do not say directly about this
• Sin, causes blindness. may develop hairy palms,
• impotence later in life, erectile dysfunction
• penis shrinkage, penis curvature
• low sperm count, infertility
• mental illness
• physical weakness
Questions and answer about masturbation
• Does masturbation cause a decrease in sexual sensitivity? – No
• Does masturbation cause premature ejaculation? – No
• Does masturbation cause elongation of penis? – No
• Does masturbation cause urethral injury? – No
• Does masturbation is a sin? – yes?
• Does masturbation is immoral? – No
• relieve built-up stress
• sleep better
• boost your mood
• relax
• feel pleasure
• relieve cramps
• release sexual tension
• have better sex
• better understand your wants and needs
• There are limited studies on the benefits of masturbation, but studies on sexual intercourse and anecdotal reports suggest that sexual stimulation, including stimulation through masturbation, may help you
• Couples may also mutually masturbate to explore different desires, as well as avoid pregnancy. Self-pleasuring also helps you prevent sexually transmitted infection.
• For women who have sexual dysfunction, enhanced stimulation, including masturbation, can help increase sexual desire, lubrication and sensitivity.
• Hormone changes during pregnancy cause some pregnant women to feel heightened sexual desire. Masturbation is a safe way to release sexual tension during pregnancy. Self-pleasure may also help ease pregnancy symptoms such as lower back pain.
Some research suggests that regular ejaculation may lower your risk for prostate cancer, though doctors aren’t exactly sure why. A 2015 study found the risk of prostate cancer decreased by about 20 percent in men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month
• If men frequently masturbate within a short space of time, they may experience a slight swelling of the penis called an edema. This swelling usually disappears within a couple of days.
• Other potential side effects include:
– Guilty feelings
– Decreased sexual sensitivity
– Tiredness, sleepiness, weakness
• Some people can and do become addicted to masturbating. You may be spending too much time masturbating if masturbation causes you to:
• skip your chores or daily activities
• miss work or school
• cancel plans with friends or family
• miss important social events
Negative impacts of Addiction-
• Being addicted to masturbation can have a negative impact on your relationships and other parts of your life.
• Masturbating too much may interrupt your work or studies, which can lower productivity.
• It may also hurt your relationships and friendships because you don’t spend as much time with your loved ones as you used to, or don’t pay attention to their needs.
Treatment of Addiction-
• Talk therapy can help you manage your addiction.
• You could also cut down by replacing masturbation with other activities. Next time you have an urge to masturbate, try:
• going for a run
• writing in a journal
• spending time with friends

• going for a walk